Xiang Xiaolong -- Chairman and Executive Director

Personal Profile: Anhui Institute of Business Administration MBA equivalent education.Former secretary, vice director of office of SMC in anhui province, anhui agricultural materials company deputy general manager, SMC, director of the office of anhui province, anqing city government assistant mayor, city development and reform commission, the municipal government, director of the secretary-general, the city administration service center director, vice mayor of anqing city government, anqing municipal committee, deputy mayor, anhui provincial government, deputy director of the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of party committee, the anhui provincial government, deputy director of the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission, deputy secretary of the party committee (at).Now he is the secretary of the Party committee and the chairman of Anhui Communications Holding Group Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Anhui Wantong Expressway Investment Company Limited.
