1. Official Chinese name of the Company: 安徽皖通高速公路股份有限公司

English name of the Company : Anhui Expressway Company Limited

Abbreviation (in Chinese) : 皖通高速

(in English ) : Anhui Expressway

2. Legal representative of the Company: Qiao Chuanfu

3. Secretary to the Board of the Company: Xie Xinyu

Telephone: 0551- 65338697

Representative of Securities Affairs: Dong Huihui , Ding Yu

Fax: 0551-65338696

E-mail address: wtgs@anhui-expressway.net

Contact address:520 Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, Anhui, the PRC

4. Registered address of the Company: 520 Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, Anhui, the PRC

Office address of the Company: 520 Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, Anhui, the PRC

Postal code: 230088

Business address of the Company in Hong Kong: 5 th Floor, Jardine House, I Connaught

Place, Hong Kong

Website of the Company: http://w3k0x2.nikq.cn

E-mail address of the Company: wtgs@anhui-expressway.net

5. Newspapers designated for publishing report: Domestic: Shanghai Securities Post and China Securities Post

Website designated for disclosure of interim report: http//www.sse.com.cn




Addresses designated for keeping interim report:

Shanghai Stock Exchange, 528 Pudong South Road, Shanghai

Hong Kong Registrars Limited, 46th Floor, Hopewell Center, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

East,Wanchai,Hong Kong

Company's head office: 520 Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, Anhui, the PRC

6. Stock Exchange on which the Company's

A Shares are listed :Shanghai Stock Exchange

Short name of the Company's A shares : Wantong Expressway

Stock code of the Company's A shares: 600012

Stock Exchange on which the Company's

H shares are listed :The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

Short name of the Company's H Shares: Anhui Expressway

Stock code of the Company's H Shares: 0995

7. Date of initial registration of the Company: 15 th August 1996

Place of the registration: Hefei City, Anhui, the PRC

Date of change in registration: 9th May 2009

Registration number of enterprise legal person business license: 340000400002623(1-1)

Tax registration number: Di Shui Wan Zi number 340103148973087

Guo Shui Wan zi number 340104148973087

8. Accountants

PRC Accountants: PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd

Office address: 11 th Floor, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center, 202 Hubin Road, Shanghai

Hong Kong Accountants: PricewaterhouseCoopers Certified Public Accountants

Office address: 22 nd Floor, Price's Building, Central, Hong Kong

9. Legal Advisers

PRC Legal Adviser: Anhui Expressway Law Office

Office address: 8 Meiling Avenue, Hefei, Anhui, the PRC

Hong Kong Legal Adviser: Gallant Y.T. Ho&Co

Office address: 5th Floor, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Hong Kong

10. Share registrar and transfer office: China Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation, Shanghai Branch,     China Insurance Mansion, 166 Liujiazui East Road, Shanghai

Overseas share registrar: Hong Kong Registrars Limited, 46th Floor, Hopewell Center, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
